List Your Token

Perpetual Trading Powered by Your Native Token

Any project can list its ERC-20 token as a collateral asset on Lynx's decentralized perpetual exchange. Listing your token enables traders to utilize your token as collateral for opening positions, ushering in new value for token holders. Imagine a trader entering a 10x long position on BTC/USD while holding your token, TKN, as collateral. This connection allows traders to gain exposure to BTC/USD without parting with their TKN tokens. Lynx is capable of supporting any number of ERC-20 tokens, including governance, LSDs, LP tokens, etc.

Listing your token is not yet permissionless, but can be done seamlessly by the Lynx team. To learn more, contact us!

Benefits of Listing your Token

  • Increase Token Utility: Enable your token holders to trade perpetual futures while still retaining your token's benefits (eg. governance, staking yield, etc.)

  • Reduce Sell-Pressure: Holders don't need to sell their token holdings to get exposure to other instruments

  • Customizable Parameters: Limit which instruments are tradeable when using your token, set usage caps (eg. Open Interest cap), and adjust trader fees

  • Generate Protocol Revenue: Establish profitable and scalable revenue streams for your protocol

  • Single-Asset Liquidity Provision: Earn trading fees without impermanent loss through single-asset liquidity provision, giving projects a great way to utilize idle treasury funds

Incentivize Your Token

Lynx enables protocols to incentivize both traders and liquidity providers using their token as a collateral asset on Lynx. Using Lynx's incentive mechanism, protocols can distribute specific tokens to attract more liquidity or incentivize more trading volumes denoted in their token.

Additionally, Lynx allows protocols to host their own trading competitions on the platform to encourage trading against their token as collateral. Prizes are awarded to those who trade the most, according to the pre-arranged structure of the trading competition. To learn more, contact us!

Why Choose Lynx

Lynx offers a professional trading experience in a cost-effective, fully decentralized manner. Partners of Lynx receive full product support, from token integration to custom feature requests. Some of the advantages that set Lynx apart from other perpetual platforms include:

  • Any-Asset Collateral: Lynx is the only exchange that can support any ERC-20 token as collateral for traders, including LP tokens, liquid staking derivatives, governance tokens, etc.

  • Guaranteed Solvency: Winning traders are guaranteed compensation - regardless of any blackswan events - with no risk of platform insolvency

  • Low Gas Consumption: Optimized smart contracts offer a low-fee experience for traders

  • On-Chain Security System: Third-party protection is used for real-time monitoring of smart contracts to help secure the protocol

  • Sponsored Trading Competitions: Easily host a perpetuals trading competition that incentivizes trading using your asset as collateral on Lynx's competition architecture

Last updated